All right, in an effort to distract myself from Pitch Wars, I've been stumbling around banging rocks together in hope of striking some sparks to nurse into a shiny new project. One of the rocks I've picked up is Vanessa Barger's lovely Wednesday Muse challenge, parameters of which are to write A Thing every week in response to a photo writing prompt.
So here's my first, which I feel a little weird about posting, given that I scrawled it down in my Home Economicon notebook at the kitchen table this evening over pizza and cider and have just now spent an hour embroidering it. Have a post-apocalyptic radioactive Silent Hill Toronto? Or something?
So here's my first, which I feel a little weird about posting, given that I scrawled it down in my Home Economicon notebook at the kitchen table this evening over pizza and cider and have just now spent an hour embroidering it. Have a post-apocalyptic radioactive Silent Hill Toronto? Or something?